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                  All Stories © Sue Coulson 2016        All rights reserved.

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In addition to the pieces of work that are on display in this Gallery and its various areas, I also undertake private commissions.

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About Jeff Coulson My Work

Working in either black and white; tones of Grey shading or full colour in the form of Watercolours, Watercolour pencil, Acrylics and oil paints. My all time favourite medium is that of oil paint. You somehow cannot beat the palette of sumptuous, creamy colours as they transform a blank canvas into something that is appealing to the beholder, make them muse and for them to have their imagination stirred.

Some of my thoughts on the subject of Art

"If we could  teach taste or genius by rules, then there would no longer be taste or genius."  - Sir Joshua Reynolds

Why I have an obsession with eyes?

Well, why not have an obsession with eyes, have they not been called the windows to the soul many times throughout history. Every visual perception we have of the world is obtained through our eyes. Our own personal insight to the way the world appears to each individual is through our eyes. But my question is: ‘Is my perception of the colour red the same as yours?’ It may be that you and I view the same colour red in varying shades from Scarlet to Vermillion.

The creatures that I have named ‘OCCULOIDS’ are a logical step forward for me. They are creatures where the eye and not the brain is the dominant organ of the body and what would happen if this was allowed to evolve along the same lines as the human brain. Are Occuloids something that we are looking at, or are they looking out of the picture plane at us, are they, the eye of the beholder?

See many examples of Occuloids in my OCCULOID GALLERY, some of the work a few people may find disturbing - you have been warned.

One of my more Surreal pieces of work getting close to completion.

I like to plan most of my work down to the minutest detail, sometimes the piece turns out exactly as planned, however no one is perfect and sometimes the piece ends up completely different to that which I had planned, quite often with pleasing results.

The piece above can be found in the SURREAL HUMANOID GALLERY, a side gallery to the SURREAL GALLERY and can be found in GALLERY TWO. It is a pencil and ink study on paper of a Surreal Skull. I like to work using Staedtler 2mm clutch pencils, as you can see I have three of them, each with a different grade of Lead. I then pick out the highlights with Jackson’s putty rubber and two Tombow Mono Zero Eraser Pens. For Lining and inking in I prefer to use a William Mitchell reversible mapping pen with a 659 nib.

Method of Working.

The main Artists that have inspired me throughout my life have been:

H.R. Geiger - the creator of the creature from the Alien films, but was the grand master of the Bio-Mechanical being and landscape.

 John Martin - the Victorian master of the spectacular.

Robert Oscar Lenkiewicz - Sadly now passed away, he was the one who truly inspired me to draw and paint. I spent many hours sat watching him at work in his studio, I knew him from the 1970’s right up until his death in the 2002.

Artists That Have Inspired My Work. Hi. I am an Artist and Engineer based in Havant, Hampshire in the UK.  I specialise in my own Original and Unique  Works of Art. Please explore the Gallery..