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Mother Redikin's House

Near the centre of the village sits a very neat and tidy shroom. Over the years the walls have slowly smoothed out, the rough patches that would usually adorn this type of mushroom have gone. It knows that Mother Redikin would not wish her home to be anything but pristine. But the strains of carrying out the unvoiced wishes of its occupant have provided the shroom with years of effort, causing a twist in its stem. Mother Redikin is more than happy with her house now that the rough edges have been smoothed. She abhors the ‘fancy bits and pieces’ others prefer to exhibit. Brightly coloured caps and fancy stems are not for her. She keeps her house very simple in design and it is always neat and orderly, much like Mother Redikin herself. The steps are swept every day and the windows cleaned to a brilliant shine once a week. The local chimney sweep calls at regular intervals to ensure a smoke free abode. The living room is her pride and joy. The deep pile carpets are swept to within an inch of their lives and the furniture is polished to a rich deep shine. Several discrete ornaments are displayed on the mantle above the fire. A photograph of her dear departed husband adorns the space above. This is where she holds court on the Seventh day. She rarely has unannounced visitors but prefers to invite friends and acquaintances for small social gatherings; serving homemade cakes, scones and various sweetmeats These invites are feared as much as they are enjoyed, because, if Mother Redikin summons you to one of her excellent teas, then the only excuse she will accept for non-attendance for most of the villagers is being able to produce a death certificate. Also, you are never quite sure if it is purely a social occasion or if it is an opportunity for her to pass on her ‘much needed advice’. As a village elder she feels it is her responsibility to keep the village in order and carries out her duties with a keenness bordering on obsession. Those disobeying the ‘rules’ are summoned to Mother Redikin’s, and are dealt with severely. Many leave her home in tears refusing to talk of what went on within the pristine walls.

Mother Redikin herself is a small neat woman with iron-grey hair pulled severely into a bun at the back of her head. She has piercing blue eyes that can bore into your very soul from a good distance, making even those with nothing to hide feel guilty. Mother Redikin can say more with one glance than others could in an hour. Many turn and find an alternate route when they see her approach in her neat white blouse, ankle length grey skirt and button boots. She dresses the same every day in clothes that are old and long out of fashion, but are obviously of good quality. The only weakness she ever displays is to keep sweetmeats for the occasional dragon that may enter the village to negotiate a pigmentation contract. Even then she meets with the dragon in private in a special section of her neat and tidy garden at the rear of her home, which is screened from view by a large, dense neatly clipped hedge. And there are times when a very sheepish dragon can be seen to fly away from a meeting with Mother Redikin.

Mother Redikin’s
