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Caring For a Familiar’s Kin

Part of the duties of those dragons that had a familiar was to care for and protect their families. When at four years old Hew showed an interest in the dragons which called at the village he was taken to meet Greenwing. Even though Hew was dwarfed by the dragon he showed no fear. This is more than can be said for his mother Enjay, who stood wringing her hands and looking worried. What would happen if Hew offended the dragon or the dragon accidentally stepped on him? There were so many worried thoughts running through her head she almost missed the moment when Greenwing lowered his head until it rested close to the ground a little way in front of Hew who toddled over to the massive head, sat down and promptly poked the dragon in the nose. Enjay gasped waiting for the dragon to roar and fly off. However, Greenwing rumbled a laugh snorting softly which in turn made Hew laugh as the dragon’s breath blew his hair around his head. Hew then explored the dragon; taking hold of his fangs and pulling at the dragons lip and tongue, finally climbing up onto the dragons nose and peering into one huge eye which made Greenwing go crossed eyed. Hew then scrambled up onto Greenwing’s head and hung on to his horn swinging to and fro. Greenwing slowly tipped his head back and Hew slid onto his long neck sitting just behind his head leaning against the horn as if in a comfortable armchair. The two sat like this for a while, communing silently until Hew fell asleep. At which point Greenwing gently lowered his head again and delivered Hew safely into his mother’s arms. From this point on Hew and Greenwing met regularly and soon became inseparable.

By the time Hew turned six he had moved to the dragon nest near the village and took up his apprenticeship as a dragon familiar. Enjay had mixed feelings about Hew going to live with the dragons, she knew it was a great honour and would mean the both of them would be cared for and protected but as a widow she missed the company although one or both of them often visited. Hew’s father had died when he was three, the dragon’s nest had been attacked by Rainbow Chasers and he had died defending a youngling. The dragons had made sure that Enjay and her young son wanted for nothing but now there was an even more special bond between the family and the dragons.

Once or twice a week either Greenwing or Hew or both visited Enjay to make sure she had everything she needed and to ensure that Hew did not lose touch with the remaining member of his family. When Hew visited they would go for walks, play or bake together or just sit reading, just as if he had never left. On those occasions when Greenwing visited he would fly above Enjay’s shroom and hover above the cap, curling his long tail around the chimney to anchor himself and then he would tap on the window to let her know he was there, he would then speak with her of her son and how well he was doing, making sure that she did not miss a moment of the youngster’s life. Sometimes he would lay his tongue across her arm and show her in mind pictures some event from Hew’s training, especially if he had achieved a long worked for task. Greenwing was very proud of Hew and his successes and this came through the link and as the months passed Enjay worried less and less about her son being away from her care and knew that Hew was being looked after as well as she would care for him herself.


For a

Familiar’s Kin